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Monasca, an OpenStack Community project

Docker Development Environment

docker-compose is the recommended way to quickly experiment with and develop against Monasca. To get started, you’ll need a Docker environment with:

  • Docker 1.13 or later, 17.04.0-ce or later recommended
  • docker-compose 1.9.0 or later
  • At least 4 GiB of memory available to Docker
  • At least 2 CPUs (cores)
  • git


Clone the monasca-docker repository and run docker-compose:

git clone
cd monasca-docker
docker-compose up

If all goes well, the full Monasca pipeline should start within (roughly) one minute. The following services should be exposed on your host machine:

  • keystone on ports 5000 and 35357
  • monasca-api on port 8070
  • grafana on port 3000 - log in using mini-mon and password

Note that the docker-compose environment currently does not start any Agent instances. There will be few (if any) metrics going through the pipeline, though it should otherwise be working.

You can the status of each component by running docker-compose ps (you will probably need to run this in a separate shell unless you ran docker-compose up -d). If everything started successfully, it should look like so:

% docker-compose ps                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ✖ ✹ ✭
                Name                              Command               State                         Ports                       
monascadocker_alarms_1                 /                        Exit 0                                                    
monascadocker_grafana-init_1           python /               Exit 0                                                    
monascadocker_grafana_1                /go/bin/grafana-server -co ...   Up>3000/tcp                           
monascadocker_influxdb-init_1          /                         Exit 0                                                    
monascadocker_influxdb_1               / influxd           Up       8086/tcp                                         
monascadocker_kafka_1                  /                        Up       9092/tcp                                         
monascadocker_keystone_1               /bin/sh -c /             Up>35357/tcp,>5000/tcp
monascadocker_monasca-notification_1   /                        Up                                                        
monascadocker_monasca-persister_1      /                        Up                                                        
monascadocker_monasca-sidecar_1        /bin/sh -c hug -p 4888 -f  ...   Up       4888/tcp                                         
monascadocker_monasca_1                /                        Up>8070/tcp                           
monascadocker_mysql-init_1             /                         Exit 0                                                    
monascadocker_mysql_1         mysqld      Up       3306/tcp                                         
monascadocker_storm-nimbus_1           / storm nimbus      Up                                                        
monascadocker_storm-supervisor_1       / storm super ...   Up                                                        
monascadocker_thresh-init_1            / /        Exit 0                                                    
monascadocker_zookeeper_1              / zkSe ...   Up       2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp

Note that several initialization jobs are run on new deployments, so it’s normal to see containers with an Exit 0 state. See below for troubleshooting failed containers.


An init job failed!

Failed init jobs will appear in docker-compose ps with a nonzero exit code. Occasionally jobs will fail due to timeouts, especially on systems with limited CPU. In these cases it is probably safe to re-run the job by simply running docker-compose up again. This will re-run all of the jobs, but only those that failed to complete will actually modify the deployment.

If the jobs are still failing, you can view the log output of each job using docker-compose logs [job name], where [job name] is one of mysql-init, grafana-init, thresh-init, influxdb-init, or alarms. The log output should provide some reason for the failure that can be included in a GitHub issue.